Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012


The elements that build human
1. Man consists of four interrelated elements
     - Containing elements of life characterized by the motion
a. body
b. life
      - Ego / self awareness
a. spirit
b. lust
2. Humans as a personality contains three elements
a. Identity "The most fundamental personality"
b. Ego "Progress occurs between the ages of 1 and 2 years'
c. Referred to as the personality "executive" because of its role in
     The identity linking into social channels
d. Super Ego
The Nature of Man:
1. God's creatures are made up of body and soul as one
      unified whole
2. Creatures of God's most perfect because it comes with:
      - Reasonable
      - Will
      - Feelings
Power taste / feeling in man there: 2
1. Sensuous feeling, the physical stimulation through the senses, low levels found in humans and animals.
2. Spiritual feeling, the feeling of the sublime which is only found in humans, such as:
- The feeling intellect: the feeling with regard to the knowledge of such a person feels happy or satisfied if he can find something, otherwise not happy or satisfied if he did find out something
- Aesthetic feeling: the feeling with regard to the beauty of such a person feels happy when she sees or hears something beautiful, instead there is a sense annoyed when tidakindah
- Ethical feelings: feelings regarding the goodness of such a person feel happy when something is good, otherwise hateful feelings when something is evil
- Feelings of self: feelings related to self-esteem as if someone has advantages in him he was tall, imperious, and arrogant. Conversely, when there is a deficiency in himself he felt inferior (inferior)
- Feelings Social: feelings regarding the group / shared in the lives of others as if the success he was happy, when one fails, obtain accident he felt bad
- Religious feeling: the feeling with regard to religion / belief of God, which comply with all instructions and stay away from any ban.
3. Biocultural beings, are creatures of cultural biodiversity
4. Creatures ecology (tied with the environment), the man has a nature, are subject to the laws of nature as well



The definition of cultural leaders
1. Melville j. Herkovits and Bronislow Malinowski argued "cultural determinism" which means that everything contained in any society is determined by the culture of the communities it, eg in rural communities are an agrarian society because most farm work
2. Herkovits, Seeing culture as a "super-organic". That is the culture handed down from generation to live on, though manusai cultural producers have alternated as the life and death but the culture still lives on
3. Selo Soemardjan and Soelaeman Sumardi, put forward as all of the work culture, taste and copyright society
- Public works; case of technology and material culture
- The results of sense (ie including the human soul) as realizing all creeds and social values ​​that pelru to manage societal problems, such as: religion, ideology, mysticism, kesinian, and all the elements that constitute the expressions of the human spirit
- The results of copyright, such as philosophy and science
4. EB Tylor, defines culture as follows: Culture is a complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by people as members of the human family.
5. Sutan destiny Alisyahbana, states that culture is a manifestation of the way of thinking, it is very broad so-called culture because all behaviors and actions are covered in it
6. Koencoroningrat, among others, states that culture means the whole idea and the work of a man who should be familiarized with the study of the results with the whole mind and character
7. A.L Krober and C. Kluckhon, saying that culture is a manifestation or embodiment of the human spirit working in the broadest sense
8. CA Van Peurson, saying that today's culture is defined as a manifestation of everyone's life, and the lives of every kelompokorang-person, unlike animals, humans do not live just in the middle of nature, but nature is always changing
Culture when examined from the origin of Sanskrit budhayah said: which means mind / intellect, latin Colere: which means cultivate the land / farm. Cultural understanding is a practical system of values ​​and culture is the main idea: that direct behavior and provide a set of models to behave sold to the public
System of values ​​and ideas embodied in the three major systems
1. Ideology System; Covers ethics, norms, customs and laws
2. Social Systems; Covers socialist relations and activities in the community
3. System Technology: As a form of material culture

Elements of the culture (cultural universal): presented by C. Kluckhon there are 7
1. Religious system (religious homo)
Is a product of man as homo religious. Man who possesses sublime thoughts and feelings on the power of his response that there are other forces are mighty. Because it is human worship and fear that was born is now a religious belief.
2. System of social organization (homo Socius)
Is prodak man as homo Socius. Man realized that his body is weak but has sense then formulated in which the human community organizations working together to improve the welfare of her life.
3. Knowledge systems (homo safiens)
Is prodak man as homo safiens. Knowledge can be gained from thinking of themselves and others.
4. Livelihood systems of life and economic system (homo ekonomicus)
Is a product of man as homo economicus, which makes the level of human life in general continues to increase.
5. Life equipment systems and technology (homo faber)
Is a product of man as homo faber. Sourced from intelligent thinking and assisted with human hands can make and use tools, the creation tools that humans may be better able to meet their needs.
6. Language systems (homo longuens)
Is a product of man as homo longuens.
7. Art system (homo aesteticus)
Is the result of man as homo aesteticus. After people can mencukipi physical needs are needed psychological needs such as the need for eye beautiful, melodious voice, all of which can be met through the arts.
Elements of the culture (cultural universal) above they will be translated back into
in elements smaller:
1. cultural activities (cultural activity)
2. complex trait: cultural elements smaller than with cultural activity
3. traits: elements smaller than a complex trait
4. Item: the smallest elements of culture that are no longer biased dibagibagi

1. Complex ideas
- Concepts and abstract nature of the human mind, can not be seen and centered on the human head example: exams in order Gunadarma, Gunadarma ideals and so called social system
2. Complex activities
- Its concrete form of human activity that interacts example: employees who are typing in the office Gunadarma called social system
3. Object
- Its concrete, tangible material eg a series of books in the library

1. Protecting yourself to nature for example: technology
2. regulate human relationships such as: the "norm" is a habit that formed the basis for the relationship between the people so that the behavior / actions of each can be set norms that come from the community itself, its not written not heavy sanctions when violated.
Norma there are 4 types:
a. way (usage) for example: how to eat a good
b. habits (volways) eg: customs respect your elders
c. code of conduct (mores) that has to do with ethics / morals
d. customs such as: custom engagement before the wedding
3. As an organization of all human feelings for example: art

Cultural Change

Society and culture anywhere is always in a state of change, even primitive society and culture terisolisasi from different relationships with the surrounding communities No culture is static, all cultures have the dynamics and motion. Motion culture is actually a movement of people who live in a society that becomes a container of culture tadi.Dimana human motion occurred because he entered into relations with other human beings.
The occurrence of motion / change is caused by several things:
1. causes originating from within their own society and culture, such as: the number and composition of the population peruban
2. the causes of changes in the natural and physical environment in which they live. As people whose lives are open that are in-line with jalurhubungan society and other cultures tend to change more quickly. Example: the people in the city with rural communities (very isolated) it will quickly change in the city than in the village, such as fashion clothes, hair and so on. These changes are in addition to the composition of the population and also due to the diffusion (spread) culture, new discoveries and technologies, in particular inivasi.
Social Change and Cultural Change Different:

Social Change:
- In the event of any change social change social structures and patterns of social relations, among other things: politics and power systems, population distribution, system status, relationships in the family.
- Social change is any change in the non-lembagakemasyarakatan within a society influence the social system including: values, attitudes, and behavior patterns among groups in society.
While Cultural Change (Acculturation):
- Occurs when a group of people with a particular culture exposed to the elements of a foreign culture is different in such a way that the elements of the foreign culture with gradually accepted and processed into a culture of its own, without causing a loss of cultural identity itself.
- The beginning is the change in the system of ideas that are shared by the citizens / number of concerned citizens, among others:
The rules, norms are used as a handle in the life, as well as technology, tastes, sense of beauty (art) and language. The process of acculturation occurs normally in a society that lives next door to the other communities and the relationships occur, as may be in the field of trade, government and mass migration that facilitate the ongoing acculturation page.
Human relation to culture are:
Humans as cultural behavior, culture is an object that carried humans
In human sociology and cultural rated as duumvirate, meaning that although they are different but both are one entity. Humans create culture, and after culture created the culture of human life in order to arrange accordingly. Tmpak that they ultimately constitute a unity.
Humans as we know, is closely associated with cultural meaning. Culture is like the proverbial characteristic of the people behind the culture. There are so many cultures in our beloved country Indonesia, one of which is like the Javanese culture, and much more.
Human nature to conserve and maintain the culture is a must not to be influenced by other cultures. We have to maintain the authenticity of our culture because culture is a legacy from our ancestors first. But lately, we already know that a lot of culture in our country has been influenced by outside culture, especially Western culture. Yes, it's true. This is the effect of globalization are very tight so many cultures outside the free out into the culture of our country is that we are a little bit 'affected' by the outside culture, especially Western culture. This is a failure of communities now that are not able to keep the authenticity of the culture is a legacy from our ancestors past. But it was too late to overcome. Why? Supposing that we like walking against the current very tight, as that is what our societies are experiencing. They did not prepare a defense against the strong current. In fact they began to follow the direction of the current. This is very dangerous because if this is allowed to continue then our native culture will slowly disappear. Do not we think, what our future children and grandchildren who will inherit our culture, whereas culture was 'contaminated' by a foreign culture or outside? Would they be proud of their culture it? It is ironic indeed.
 So the conclusion from the above description is the relation of man and culture very closely, because it arises as a result of cultural creation and intention of the man himself. With a culture can regulate human life to socialize with other humans living in the vicinity. And culture can be lost due to the influx of other cultures. Therefore, many other tribes rejected the culture from the outside in fear will undermine their culture embraced since antiquity.

Dialectical understanding

Dialectic dialogue here comes from everyday communication. There is an opinion addressed to the public. Then came the defiance of the opinion. These two conflicting positions be reconciled with a more complete opinion. From this dialog phenomenon can be seen three phases namely the thesis, antithesis and synthesis. The thesis here is intended as a preliminary opinion. Antithesis of the opponent or the opposition. While synthesis is the seat of both the thesis and antithesis. In this synthesis occurs both rescission and cancellation of thesis and antithesis. Both are to be no longer valid. It can be said also, two things are kept and raised to a higher level. Of course, the truth of both the thesis and antithesis are still maintained. In the eyes of Hegel, the process is referred to as aufgehoben.
Triadik shape of the Hegelian dialectic of thesis-antithesis-synthesis set of thinkers before Hegel. Numena Kantian antinomy and phenomenon will cause the opposition is not resolved. Then Fichte with the "Theory of Knowledge" was still cause contention despite slightly exceeded what Kant described.
Dialectics itself known in thought Fichte. For Fichte, the whole world is the same as the content of consciousness. The whole world was derived from a principle of the highest in the following manner: "I" go-it-himself (thesis), which resulted in a "non-I" face "I". "Non-I" is the antithesis. Then syntheses are both no longer exclude each other, meaning: truth they were restricted, or the force of both is limited. "I" put "non-I that can be divided" dealing with "I can be divided".
In his philosophical system, perfecting Hegel Fichte. Hegel deepen understanding of the synthesis. In the synthesis of both thesis and antithesis is not restricted (such as Fichte), but aufgehoben. German word contains three meanings, namely: a) set aside, b) treating, storing, so not removed, but treated in a higher unity and maintained, c) placed on higher ground, where both (thesis and antithesis) no longer function as opposed to mutually isolated. The thesis contains within him positive and negative elements. It's just a positive element in the thesis is greater. In contrast, the antithesis has a greater negative elements. In both these elements owned sintesislah thesis and antithesis together into a higher unity.
Dialectics is also intended as a way of thinking to acquire unification (synthesis) of two contradictory things (thesis versus antithesis). With aufgehoben term, the concept of "no" (thesis) and the concept of "no" (antithesis) to get unification in the form of the concept of "being" (synthesis). In the concept of "being", there is the concept of "no" and "no" so the concept of "no" or "no" is declared void or abolished.
Dialectics be a development of the Absolute to meet with himself. The idea of ​​the Absolute is the result of the development. The concepts and ideas is not a shadow of a stiff but flowing. The dialectical method into a movement to create novelty and resistance. With three stages of the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis of all the ideas, concepts (thesis) is changed into its opposite (antithesis). This contradiction "raised" in a higher level and produce synthesis. It's new (synthesis) then becomes the thesis raises another antithesis and synthesis again. The process of dynamic motion until eventually led to a universality of symptoms. That is called the Absolute Spirit in Hegel's philosophy.
For Hegel, the element of conflict (antithesis) does not appear after we reflect but opposition is already on the case itself. Each thesis has an antithesis to load in it. Antithesis contained in the thesis itself because both are ideas related to higher things. Both are appointed and removed (aufgehoben) in the synthesis.
Reality into two contradictory elements but appear simultaneously. It is not acceptable to Verstandyang work berdasakan schemes that exist in dealing with specific matters. Vernunft who can understand this. Vernunft see reality in its totality and able to make a synthesis of contradictory things. Identify the total reality into the workings Vernunft that follows the principle of dialectic.
In general, we can see that the Hegelian dialectic has three aspects that need to be considered. First, the system of dialectics is shaped plywood or triadik. Secondly, it is an ontological dialectics as a concept. Application is the object and benduk from there and not limited to the concept. Third, the Hegelian dialectic has the ultimate goal (telos) in the abstract concept called Hegel as Idea or Absolute Idea and Absolute Spirit or concrete in the Spirit (Spirit, Geist).
There are three essential elements will dialectics of Hegel. First, think of it in him to think of and by himself. Second, dialectical thinking is the result of continuous contradiction. Third, contradictions sublimated certainty of unity in unity. That would be his dialectical nature itself.

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