Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012



Understanding Cultural Studies Association

The term IBD was first developed in Indonesia as a substitute for basic humanities term derived from the English term "The Humanities" humanties As for the term itself comes from the Latin meaning humnus man, cultured and refined, by studying the Humanities assumed someone would be able to be more humane, more civilized and more refined, by studying the humanities assumed someone would be able to be more humane, more civilized and more refined, so it can be said that the humanities relating to human values ​​as homo homanus or cultured human, that human becomes humanus , they should study the science of the humanities in addition to not leave any other responsibilities as the man himself.

To know that the basic cultural knowledge includes the cultural knowledge to know first grouping science. Prof. Dr.Harsya Bactiar argued that science and knowledge are grouped into 3 major groups, namely:

Natural Sciences (Natural Scince)
Natural sciences aims to find regularities contained in the universe, it is used to assess the scientific method, is to determine how applicable laws regarding regularities, then made to determine the quality of the analysis, the analysis result is then generalized, on this basis and made predictions. results 100 5 100 5 right and wrong.

Social Sciences (Social Scince)
The social sciences strive to study the regularities contained in the relationship only between humans, it is used to assess the scientific method as a loan from ilm-natural sciences, but research results are not 100 5 right, just close to the truth, why is regularity in the relationship between This man can not be changed from time to time.

Here Understanding Cultural Or Culture From Some Experts:

E. B. Tylor, culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, science, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
R. Linton, In his book "The Cultural Background Of Personality" states that culture is a configuration of a behavior and behavior outcomes, the constituent elements are supported and passed by the members of a particular community.
Koentjaraningrat, Deciphering that culture is a whole system of ideas, man belongs to the study.
Selo Soemarjan and Soelaeman Soemardi, saying that culture is all the work, think, and copyright society.
Herkovits, Culture is part of the environment that was created by humans.
Fate Alisyahbana, said culture is a manifestation of the way of thinking.

 Basic objective of Humanities

Ensuring students and community sensitivity to the cultural environment, so they are easier to adjust to a new environment, especially for the benefit of their profession.
Giving students the opportunity to broaden their view of humanity and culture and to develop their critical faculties to issues concerning both.
Ensuring that students, as future leaders of the nation as well as experts in their respective disciplines do not fall into the properties of regional and discipline are strictly boxing.
Menguasahakan the academic communication vehicle for them to be able to dialogue with one another, to have one of the same provision, the academic is expected to be more fluent in communication.

Scope of the Cultural Studies Association

Based on the framework stated goals, two main problems can be used as a consideration for determining the scope of the study subjects with IBD (Cultural Studies Association), the two main problems are:

Various aspects of life which are all an expression of humanitarian and cultural issues that can be approximated using cultural knowledge (The Humanities), Both in terms of their expertise (Discipline), in his cultural knowledge, as well as combined (Intergovernmental Affairs) of various disciplines in the liberal arts .
Human nature or a universal one, but its diverse manifestations in each culture time and place.
The two principal problems that can be studied in the course of IBD (Cultural Studies Association), it is obvious that people keep his central position in the assessment.

Humans not only as a study object, how human relationships with nature, with others, and how is the relationship of the creator to be a central theme in IBD, and basic language developed are:

1. Man And Hope

2. Man And Anxiety

3. Man And Responsibilities And Devotion

4. Man And Way of Life

5. Humans And Love

6. Man And Beauty

7. Man And Suffering

8. Man And Justice

Of the eight subjects were included in the works covered are cultural knowledge, the embodiment of love, for example, exists in the literature, dance, music, philosophy, and others.

Each principal languages ​​can be approximated by using both branches of cultural knowledge individually and in combination these branches.

Definition of Culture:

The entire system of ideas, works of human action in life is an inspiration and talent possessed by the man himself,
Any action that culture is founded by someone with skill learning and motivation to achieve a desired goal.


Books IBD - via: http://elerning.gunadarma.ac.id/

Drs. H. Ahmad Musthofa, cultural knowledge base, cv library faithful, bandung, 1999, hlm 23

M. Habib Musthopo, cultural knowledge base, a national effort, surabaya, 1983, hlm 20

Dr. Elliye M. Setiadi, M. Si. , Et al. Jakarta, golden prenada group media 2006, social science and cultural basis. P 27

E.B. Tylor (1958) The Origin Of Culture, p: 1

Drs. Sujarwa, human and cultural phenomena. 1999, student library Glagah, Yogyakarta, p: 8.9

Marly Jo Hatch, 1997, Organisation Theory, New York: Oxford University Press, pp: 204

Ahmad Shobirin, organizational culture, 2004, STI management YKPN, jogja, p: 52

M. Habib Musthopo, cultural knowledge base, a national effort, surabaya, 1983, hlm 17

M. Habib Musthopo, cultural knowledge base, a national effort, surabaya, 1983, hlm 18

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